
The Bank, which started its operations as the Istanbul Branch of the Bank of Bahrain and Kuwait in 1985, started its operations as an independent financial institution in 1991 under the name Bahreyn ve Kuveyt Bankası A.Ş. The Bank changed its name in 1992 and continued to serve its customers with the title Garanti Yatırım ve Ticaret Bankası A.Ş., and in 1997 it was renamed as MNG Bank A.Ş. The sale of MNG Bank A.Ş., which transferred 91% of its shares to Arab Bank and BankMed in 2006, was approved by the decision of the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BRSA) dated December 29, 2006. In January 2007, the Bank's share transfer was completed. Accordingly, 50% of the shares were owned by Arab Bank and 41% by BankMed. On April 3, 2007, the name of the Bank was changed to Turkland Bank A.Ş. (T-Bank).

T-Bank's capital was increased from TL 500 Mio to TL 650 Mio by the decision of the Ordinary General Assembly held on April 15, 2014. T-Bank's shareholding structure was as follows until 2019: BankMed 50%, Arab Bank 33,3%, Arab Bank Switzerland 16,7%. Based on the BRSA's approval letter dated May 7, 2019, the 16,67% shares of Arab Bank (Switzerland) Ltd (ABS) was transferred to the other Bank partner, Arab Bank Plc.

T-Bank's capital was increased from TL 650 Mio to TL 1 Bio by the decision of the Ordinary General Assembly held on February 17, 2020. Today, T-Bank’s current shareholding structure is as follows:

BankMed 50%, Arab Bank 50%.

Arab Bank and BankMed's deep-rooted expertise in retail and corporate banking, and the extensive knowledge and experience they have gained in the banking industry since the 1930s shape T-Bank's vision.

T-Bank strengthens its operations with the synergy created by its main shareholder banks. This also plays a key role in customers choosing T-Bank as their financial partner. Continuing to expand the scope

of its operations by adding the Commercial Banking business line to its service portfolio, T-Bank also continues its operations in the corporate banking areas where it actively carries out operations.



Your privacy is important for us. This is why we are committed to the Turkland Bank A.Ş. Privacy Promise for our customers, which is as follows:

In addition to the information that is legally required, only the information that is considered as necessary to offer the best products and services to our customers is requested by Turkland Bank A.Ş.

The privacy and the security of the information that is received from the customers are the most important criteria that are adopted.

In order to protect the privacy of the customer information, Turkland Bank A.Ş. adopts the rules described below:

Customer information is kept in the security system created by Turkland Bank A.Ş. and only authorized employees who are well-trained on the privacy and proper use of customer information have access to customer information.

Turkland Bank A.Ş. implements the tight security system in order to ensure that no access is given to unauthorized people including employees.

Except requirements related to the applicable legislations and regulations, customer information will not disclosed to 3rd parties without the customer’s consent.

Customer information that might be requested by Administrative authorities and judicial bodies will be disclosed in line with the scope of the regulatory request. Turkland Bank A.Ş. requires the third parties and its employees who provide service to the Bank to comply with the privacy and confidentiality requirements determined by the Bank when handling customers’ data.

Correctness / accuracy of the Information

It is important to ensure that your information is correct and up-to-date.. In case you notice that related information on the account statements or accessed through the internet banking is not correct or up-to-date, please inform your branch, following the guidelines under “Protection of Privacy” below; so that we can correct or update your information on a timely manner.

Protection of Privacy

Regarding the protection of your confidential information, we suggest you to:

  • Check your account balance and bank statements regularly and inform your branch in case of discrepancies,
  • If you suspect that your credentials, passwords or other confidential information is lost; or, stolen by the third party, please immediately inform your branch.
  • In all cases, we recommend not to disclose any of your information if you do not verify the credentials of the counterparty during phone calls or e-mailing, use a secure browser for online banking and close the online applications when not in use.

Turkland Bank A.Ş. will respect your trust and will work to keep the continuity of your trust through fulfilling its commitment specified in the guidelines above. Additionally, we believe that our clients will also demonstrate the required sensitivity for the privacy of the information that they provided to us.

The privacy promise will be updated timely with any changes in the applicable regulations or the internal policy, and will be always checked on the bank website.